The customer drew attention to the fact that there is no convenient system for comparison and online booking of urban water facilities.
Baths, saunas and other similar entities do not always have their own website. If so, it is mainly a one-page site, where there is little information and no opportunity to sign up for the service via the Internet. Online booking is a convenient and modern tool, which everyone is used to. It’s easier and faster than calling and clarifying information over the phone. Especially if you want to compare several offers.
The customer has decided to solve this problem by creating its own online booking service, where facilities will place their offers and information. The user can quickly compare options, make a choice and book with the phone or computer.
The service will be a convenient solution for companies as well, because they will have their own page, which will replace the full website. It will gather their target audience, users interested in their services. The company will get an effective tool for working with requests.
The customer plans to get profit from the service. That is why paid modes will be provided, which will give more opportunities for companies to attract customers.
We have developed a software system that consists of a web part for users, company and administrator accounts, as well as mobile applications that complement the web interface.
The service is available in different cities, so the first time you visit the site you choose the location.
The main page of the service has numerous filters that allow you to choose the best option based on your wishes. You can see the rating and preferred opening hours of the facility, add your favorite options to your bookmarks. Companies that have purchased a paid mode are highlighted.
There are 2 display options available.
The facility page has full information about the company: detailed description, photos, current promotions, opening hours and contacts.
If the company is a network of baths or saunas, it is highlighted in red, and all its spots are displayed as a carousel (photo below).
Here you can also make a booking for the desired time.
You can see all special offers from water facilities on Discounts and Promotions page.
All requests are saved in the booking history.
We have developed a mobile version that provides convenient access to the service at any time and place.